Opening our hearts and minds to this history suffered by infants and mothers under patriarchal oppression which is still fucking up women’s lives. Really looking forward to reading When the Ocean Flies.
Your words force me to confront the pain of separation felt between mothers and babies that are parted. I feel so callous for not having more understanding of this — in spite of the fact that I’ve given birth, myself, three times and absolutely KNOW the powerful connection I felt instantly for my children.
Thanks for this, Elaine. Given that it often takes adoptees years, sometimes decades, to clear away the prevailing narrative that adoption is solely about love and connect with their grief, it's not surprising that people outside the adoptee community have no idea. I'm hoping that here, and with my novel, When the Ocean Flies, I can help us all develop a greater and more accurate understanding of the full impact and experience of being adopted.
I deeply appreciate your taking the time to read and to be open to this understanding that flies in the face of what our society is told about adoption. Again, thank you!
Opening our hearts and minds to this history suffered by infants and mothers under patriarchal oppression which is still fucking up women’s lives. Really looking forward to reading When the Ocean Flies.
Thank you, Anne, for reading and for understanding!
Your words force me to confront the pain of separation felt between mothers and babies that are parted. I feel so callous for not having more understanding of this — in spite of the fact that I’ve given birth, myself, three times and absolutely KNOW the powerful connection I felt instantly for my children.
Thanks for this, Elaine. Given that it often takes adoptees years, sometimes decades, to clear away the prevailing narrative that adoption is solely about love and connect with their grief, it's not surprising that people outside the adoptee community have no idea. I'm hoping that here, and with my novel, When the Ocean Flies, I can help us all develop a greater and more accurate understanding of the full impact and experience of being adopted.
I deeply appreciate your taking the time to read and to be open to this understanding that flies in the face of what our society is told about adoption. Again, thank you!